Corky’s Tournament Makes We-All-Play Donation
The Corky's Early Bird Softball Classic is donating $25,000 to the We All Play project in Owatonna and is asking other businesses to do so. The project would fund an inclusive playground and Miracle Field at Manthey Park.
In a news release, Corky's Director Loren Dietz states, "We are looking for ten other Owatonna businesses to match this donation before May 1, 2019. A donation to We All Play shows your employees that every person in the Owatonna community matters and that your business is investing back into the community in one of the best ways possible." The letter is also signed by Rotary Club President Ryan Gillespie and We All Play co-chairs Missy Ahrens and Amanda Gislason.
"The dream is to create an intergenerational playground for people of all ages and abilities," the news release goes on to say.
Owatonna High School's annual Cash Drive is also raising money to benefit We All Play, according to the OHS Magnet. Their goal is to raise $8,000 through a variety of events and fundraising games.
Also read on this subject: Hy-Vee Foods hosts fundraiser for We All Play