Have You Seen The New Electric Zamboni?
Not too long ago the State of Minnesota passed new air quality standards for indoor ice facilities. Standard gas engines emit carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and over the years there have been reports of carbon monoxide poisonings around the world.
Recently a new electric Zamboni ice machine arrived at the Four Seasons Center. The request for funding was granted by the Owatonna Foundation's Board of Trustees.
A reminder from the Foundation that any 501C3 non-profit with a capital project may submit a grand to the Foundation for consideration. The grants deadlines are May first and September first. Grants for $25,000 or less may be approved by the Grants Committee and then are presented to the full Board of Trustees for approval.
Meanwhile with school not in session for at least the first three days of this week a number of sporting events have been rescheduled. Some have not been re-scheduled. Read more here.
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