West Nile Confirmed In Minnesota
The Minnesota Health Department has confirmed 4 cases of West Nile virus in Minnesota. Often people don't notice any symptoms and aren't aware that they have been infected. Those who do have symptoms may experience a fever along with body aches and or a rash. The 4 confirmed cases this year came as the result of testing positive for the virus while giving blood.
Now through mid-September is the peak season for West Nile. It's also a concern for horse owners.
Last year there were 30 reported cases of West Nile in Minnesota and 83 the year before. West Nile can be serious especially for elderly folks.
The state health department recommends wear bug spray or long sleeve clothing or pants when venturing out after dusk or after a rainfall when mosquitoes are most likely to be out and about.
Read about the upcoming City of Owatonna deer hunts here.
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