Tuesday Is Caucus Night
The Owatonna City Council has their meetings tonight Monday, February 5 due to Tuesday, February 6 being caucus night. The Steele County DFL Caucus will meet at 6:30PM Tuesday night at the Owatonna Middle School. The Republicans meet at the same time only at the Owatonna High School.
Per state statute, to take part in the caucus you must be eligible to vote in the November 2018 election an live in Steele County.
As to what happens at a caucus, current legislators will provide an information update on what to expect in the 2018 legislative session. There are meetings in separate rooms according to which neighborhood or rural township you live in. Delegates are chosen who will endorse candidates at future conventions which will include state representatives, Governor and other constitutional officers. There will also be an opportunity to discuss issues and suggest additions or changes to the Party Platform. A Governor preference ballot or Straw Poll will be conducted as well. The caucus is expected to be over by 8:15PM.
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