Steele County Historical Society Announces Change to Holiday House Tour
The Holiday House Tour will look a little different this year as it is being morphed into a Holiday Lights Cruise.
The Holiday Light Cruise will take place on November 26th at 5 p.m. and is set to be the opening night of many exterior lighted homes of Steele County during the upcoming Holiday Season. SCHS is recruiting homeowners to decorate their house for the holidays and be part of this cruise. To register your home to be part of the light cruise, you can call 451-1420, dead line to register is November 9th.
The Historical Society is encouraging families to load up their vehicles to enjoy the lighted and color cruise. For a $10 donation to the SCHS, you can get a map featuring all the houses on the tour. After November 12th, you can purchase the map from the History Center, Tri M Graphics, and Kottke Jewelry as well as Prairie Home, Blooming Prairie and Steve’s Meat & Lerberg Foods, Ellendale.
For more information about the cruise, you can call 451-1420, visit or email Mary Anne Higgins at
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