So, What Is A Blueprint Bash?
The Habitat For Humanity of Steele-Waseca Area will host their annual Blueprint Bash on Wednesday, October 3.The Blueprint Bash consists of storytelling and explaining the importance of Habitat for Humanity. The event will run 5:30-7:30PM at the Holiday Inn of Owatonna. It will also include appetizers, desserts, and a wine, spirit and beer tasting. Advance tickets are on sale at Kottke Jewelers, Hy-Vee of Owatonna or online at the habitat's web site.
The Habitat is currently working with the Rochester Habitat on a home in Claremont. The cement slab was poured last week and framing will begin soon. Those from the area who would like to help with the framing may call the Habitat at 507-446-0112 to find out dates and times that they plan to work.
Steele-Waseca Habitat for Humanity has a two bedroom, two bath home in New Richland that is available. The home needs some minor touch up and those interested may contact the Habitat office starting next week.
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