Owatonna Storm Cleanup Update
The city of Owatonna has a goal of getting all of the citizen's brush piles picked up from the curb by this Friday. A reminder that this is brush pick up only. Lumber, scraps of lumber or other materials will not be accepted. If your pile isn't picked up by Monday, you may call 507-456-5028.
Crews have been working from 7-5PM every day except this Sunday. There have been up to 15 employees working on this cleanup. Six dump trucks, 2 semis, 2 skid steer loaders, 2 front end loaders along with bucket trucks and chippers have been a part of the equipment needed.
The brush has been hauled to the Steele County Fairgrounds and Environmental Services out of the Twin Cities will be coming down with a big tub grinder and chip the brush up and haul it back to the cities where it will be burned in a power plant.