Minnesota Teachers Salary Ranks 46th Lowest In The Country
Some of us think teachers have the life. They get three months off in the summer, they get a Thanksgiving break, winter break, and a spring break. But, they do have to work very hard the months they are in school. The age-old debate is do teachers really get paid enough money for everything they do?
According to business.org, Minnesota teachers come in 46th when it comes to salary. They got this ranking by taking the average teacher salary and subtracting the average income from that. The percentage difference was then ranked according to other states. The site says the average teacher makes around $38,529 a year, which is less than the average income for our state. According to that site, the average income in Minnesota is $54,200. After taking the difference between the two numbers, Minnesota had a -28.9% gap... giving us such a low ranking.
Our bordering state of Wisconsin rated a lot higher. Their average income for a teacher was $38,181 and the average income for the state was $47,350. The percentage difference was -19.4% landing them 14th in the country.
So where is the best place in the country to work if you are a teacher? According to this site, either Louisana or Wyoming. Their pay gaps were less than 10% and the average teacher income was in the $40,000 range.
The United States Department of Labor says the average teacher across the country makes between $13 and $54 an hour depending on what they are teaching and their level of education, with the national average being $23.89 an hour. Those prices are substantially higher than what the average Minnesota teacher makes.
So the age-old question continues, do teachers make enough money for everything they do? For one thing, they are the ones that educate the young minds that will one day be running our country!
Paisley Dunn is on Kat Kountry 105 Weekdays from 6am-10am