Mike Checks Out Some Christmas Lights in Owatonna
Last year I stopped by several beautifully decorated houses around the area to take some pictures to share with you. Since then I received word that one of the places no longer was able to host their massive holiday display due to health reasons. I then started asking around about possible light shows that I could visit that I hadn't seen before.
Last week I received this nice email invitation to stop by a house in Owatonna to check out their Christmas decorations: "Just dropping you a note about our house and yard lights in Owatonna. Come check us out on 434 Clearview Place. We enjoy cars driving by. Merry Christmas!"
So on Saturday my wife and went to Owatonna to see the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, had a late lunch and finished up some Christmas shopping as we waited for it to get dark enough for the lights to come on. We drove by their house and I took a few pictures, I wish they would've turned out better but for some reason my phone's camera has not been not been handling the bright lights very well and they get a little blurry.
We also drove by a house across from the Brooktree Golf Course that has their lights synched to music but they weren't home and hadn't left their lights on for the evening. I'm hoping one of my colleagues will be able to swing by and get some pictures of that before Christmas.
I'm still looking for massive light displays to share with everyone, if you have one or know of one, by all means drop me a line at: mike.eiler@townsquaremedia.com. Thank you!
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