How Much Do You Spend On Back To School Shopping?
The Minnesota News Network ran a story on the fact that Back to School sales are already underway. It wasn't that long ago since school let out was it? A survey shows 27% of families will begin back to school shopping 2 months in advance of schools and colleges starting up. This is a jump from 22% who answered yes to that question last year. There are a few that wait, as 21% wait till a week or two before school starts in hopes of getting a bigger deal.
As far as how much money will be spent, research says K-12 shoppers will spend an average of $685 this year and college students around $940. College spending is higher because it includes more computers and also items for a dorm or apartment. Wisconsin is offering a window of August 1-5 where the usual 5% sales tax will be waived on school supplies.
I imagine the items purchased for school use has changed since I was that age. I don't recall anyone ever having a backpack when I was in school though a few carried book bags. Is there a need for binders filled with paper anymore? One of the big things many my age looked forward to was the purchase of colored pencils. I recall using these as trade bait for other things that proved more enticing to a young lad or lass. I often traded mine to move up a few spaces in the hot lunch line. Times a chang'n.