Ellendale Days Starts June 27
Ellendale Days will kick off on Thursday, June 27 with Christmas in June. Enjoy ice cream treats in the Victor Mrotz Building at 6:30pm.
On Friday at 5pm the food vendors will open. The Street Dance starts at 8pm. Ellendale's Unsung Hero will be recognized at 8:15pm on Friday in the Community Building with Wishes in the Night at the football field at 8:45pm.
Some events on Saturday, June 29 includes the registration for the Alzheimer's Walk starting at 8am with the walk beginnng at 9am. A history of Ellendale focusing on 3 topics will take place in the park starting at noon. Ellendale and its gold mine, along with a history of Truth Hardware which got its start in Ellendale and Kernie's. The parade on Saturday begins at 4pm followed by the Commercial Club Pork Chop Supper from 5-7pm in the Community Building. The street dance begins at 8pm with a Youth Dance at 9pm in the Community Building.
Sunday highlights include the Lions Club Pancake Breakfast from 8:30-1pm at the United Methodist Church. There will be a Worship in the Park starting at 10am.
Get more details on the Ellendale Days web site.