Bet You Didn’t Know This About Ellendale
Be patient and please read at least two sentences. Here we go. Ellendale derived its name from the wife of a railroad official. Wait a minute, that's Ellendale, NORTH DAKOTA. Yup, two of the three Ellendales that I'm aware of were named in honor of railroad officials wives. Quite a coincidence I'd say. And what a coincidence they'd both be named Ellen Dale.
Most folks around here are aware that Ellendale, Minnesota got its name from Ellen Dale Ives the wife of a railroad official in 1901. The town of Ellendale, North Dakota got its name from Ellen Dale Merrill who was the wife of the manager of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific railroad. This took place in 1882.
Let's throw in some more info. Ellen Dale Merrill's husband was S. S. Merrill who in 1899 had a town in Wisconsin named in his honor. The community of Jenny Bull Falls changed its name to Merrill. So we have a railroad manager AND his wife both having towns named in their honor.
I see there is an Ellendale, Delaware as well but I'm not sure how it derived its name.
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