3 Things To Know About The Medford Farmer’s Market
First and foremost the Medford Farmer's Market opens for the season this Thursday, June 7 and continues through August 30. Hours will be 3-6PM next to the Christ the King Catholic Church.
Second the POP program is back. POP stands for power of produce. What this means is that kids ages 4-12 will get a $2 token which they can spend on fresh produce at the market.
Thirdly SNAP and EBT and Marketbucks are accepted. More information is available on the Medford Minnesota Farmer's Market. Vendors are welcome, contact Jennifer Kath if you'd like to be a part.
There are some special events planned for the Farmer's Market season. They include June 21 which will feature an Ice Cream Social for June Dairy month. Tentatively scheduled for July 12 is a zucchini race with the Steele County 4'er's. There will be a Cooking Matters presentation with the extension on July 19. On August 12 there will be a Hispanic Heritage Day observance at the Farmer's Market.
If concerts are your thing, there are a number of familiar acts coming to Minnesota this summer. Read more here.