3 Famous Owatonnans(Or At Least Should Be)
Let's maybe make that three Owatonnans who should be famous. Not famous as in known worldwide but recognized and appreciated for the positive things they did for Owatonna during their lifetimes. Names that should be familiar to southern Minnesota and the accomplishments known. In some cases perhaps they are? Here's a look at three I selected. Two of these men I did a little research on a while back and posted about them.
Let's start with E. H.S Dartts. The man who gave us Dartts Paradise which evolved into Dartt's Park. Besides serving as Mayor of Owatonna he was quite a real estate man but perhaps his biggest accomplishment is serving twelve years as the Superintendent of the State Experimental Tree Farm in Owatonna. For a number of years, Owatonna was thee place for apple trees and a long list of experiments and research on those trees. I've numerous references to Mr Dartts being a bit quirky. It was written that there were three things he disliked with a passion. Drunks, tobacco spit and dogs. Here's a link to a picture of E.H.S. Dartts
The second person on my list is I guess somewhat famous for his accomplishments but he's been forgotten through the years. Jerb Joesting was known as the "Owatonna Thunderbolt". He was a member of the first class of OHS Sports Hall of Famers. He went on to play for the University of Minnesota along with Bronko Nagurski. He even played a while in the NFL with Nagurski. He was a two time All American and a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. Here's a link to his picture.
Number three is actually a couple and I don't need to write much about them. So many people are aware of the work that Harvey and Maxine Ronglien did in establishing the State School Orphanage Museum. So unique. So emotional. And it connects with people the world over and it's right here in Owatonna. Here's a link to the Orphanage Museum.
I've left so many people off the list. It's your turn. Go ahead and add to the list.
Meanwhile here's a list of 7 famous Owatonnans
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