Urgent Appeal For Blood
The American Red Cross reports a severe blood shortage and is urgently asking for donations of blood. The Red Cross collected over 21,000 fewer blood and platelet donations in September and October than they need to meet blood demands.
Donations often decline this time of year due to the busyness of the holiday season. There is also an increase in demand with the hurricanes and fires recently as well.
Upcoming blood drives in our area include two on Friday, November 23. A blood drive is scheduled that date for the United Methodist Church in Kasson from 10:30-4:30PM and at the Medford Outlet Center from 9-2PM.
There are 4 scheduled for Monday, November 26. From 12-6PM at the 4th Avenue United Methodist Church in Faribault, from 11-5PM at Family Video in Owatonna. Also from 1-6{M at Trinity Lutheran Church in Owatonna and at the McKinley School in Owatonna from 3:30-7:30PM.
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