The New U of M Apple ‘Triumph’ Won’t Be Available to Taste Until 2025
Watch out Honeycrisp, there is a new University of Minnesota apple in town, in four years.
Last year, when the University of Minnesota announced its newest apple variety it was temporarily called "MN 1980" because the U of M wanted the people to vote on the official name for the new fruit. The U took submissions, and over 500 came in. A lot of the suggestions were based on things in Minnesota, or things we have gone through as a state in the past year.
Kare 11 reported that the winning name was chosen by graduate Student Stephen Brockman:
“I chose the name ‘Triumph’ because creating a fruit cultivar of such high quality is quite literally a triumph. Years of meticulous work by many people culminating in a great achievement. It’s just as much a name as a description.”
The Triumph apple is a cross between our beloved Honeycrisp apples and Liberty apples. It features bright red skin and a flavor that is more on the tart side of the scale. It has been added to the U of M site with this description:
Medium sized red fruit with a well-balanced flavor that is pleasantly tart. The tree has medium vigor, good fruit adherance and excellent scab resistance and good shelf life. A great option for direct market and organic producers.
We will just have to imagine that flavor for a while, growers will be planting trees this spring, with more available in 2022. As for the average consumer trying to get one, it'll be four or five years before that happens.
Until then, we will just have to enjoy the apples we do have access to. As long as there are Honeycrisp apples on store shelves, Minnesotans will be happy.
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