Should Oak Avenue Go To a Three Lane Road?
This Thursday, January 10 there will be an open house where the public can ask questions and provide their input on upcoming road projects in Owatonna. The open house will run from 5-7PM at the Community Center in Owatonna and feature County, City and engineering consultant staff to answer questions about these summer of 2019 road projects.
On the docket this summer is a pavement rehabilitation project affecting CSAH 45 or Oak Avenue from Rose Street to Holly Street and CSAH 19 or Rose Street from Hoffman Drive to Willow Avenue. Preliminary drawings will be available Thursday night and public input is being sought. Proposed improvements include converting Oak Avenue from a 4-lane road to a 3- lane road. Also proposed is the adding of a mini-roundabout at Grove Avenue and Rose Street. There are also proposed traffic signal modifications which will be discussed at the open house on Thursday.