Senate Republican Report Critical of Walz Response to Riots

St. Paul, MN (KROC-AM News) - A report issued today by Republicans in the Minnesota Senate is critical of Governor Tim Walz, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, and the Minneapolis City Council over their responses to the violence that erupted following the death of George Floyd in police custody on Memorial Day
The report, titled Review of Lawlessness and Government Responses to Minnesota's 2020 Riots, was put together by the State Senate Transportation and Public Safety Committees. Among the key conclusions listed were that Governor Walz, his administration, and the Minneapolis Mayor "failed to realize the seriousness of the riots and the danger to Minnesotans if the rioters were not confronted and stopped." It also blamed an "ill-conceived philosophical belief" that firm action against the rioters would worsen the situation for the lack of a timely response.
The report described the fall and destruction of the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct Headquarters as a "turning point." that would not have occurred if the Minneapolis Mayor had "acted in a decisive manner and allowed law enforcement to use nonlethal force to stop the rioting." It also criticized the governor for failing to activate the Minnesota National Guard when the Minneapolis Police Department first made its request for assistance, saying if he had acted decisively, the rioting, looting, and arson fires that resulted in a half-billion dollars in damage "would have been brought under control much faster."
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