Opportunities To Learn All About Maple Syrup
As we finally begin to see some thawing,many folks start thinking maple syrup time. River Bend Nature Center in Faribault is offering a series of classes on maple syrup. Learn about the history of maple syrup making, what makes sap flow and how to turn sap into syrup.
Classes are coming up on Saturday, March 16 and Thursday, March 21 from 1:30-3:30pm. Also classes from 10-12pm will be offered on Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23.
These programs are open to all ages and are $5 per person of $15 per family. It's free for River Bend members.
You can also learn about maple syruping on Wednesday, March 13 during River Bend's OWLS Lunch and Learn program. Enjoy a soup/salad luncheon between 12-2pm and take in a presentation on maple syrup.
It takes about 40 years before a maple tree is tapped for sap and it takes around 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. Quebec supplies about 2/3's of the worlds maple syrup.
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