Mini Roundabout Coming To Cedar Avenue
There will be an Open House in regards to another road improvement coming to Owatonna this year. The Open House will be Thursday, January 17 from 5-7pm at the County Board Room in the Steele County Administrative Center.
Steele County and the City of Owatonna are proposing to construct a mini roundabout at the intersection of 26th Street or County Highway 34 and Cedar Avenue or County highway 1.The mini-roundabout is scheduled to be constructed beginning in the spring of summer. the project should take around 2 months to complete.
The open house is being held to collect public and landowner input on the current condition of the intersection, identify issues and concerns to be considered during the project design and to educate the public about the operations and benefits of mini roundabouts. Project staff will be on hand to field any questions.
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