How Many Relatives Have You Lost To Cancer?
On my cancer death list I can include my father, a grandfather, a grandmother and a second cousin. I suspect there are probably more for sure. Looking around at work I'm aware of two co-workers who lost their mothers to cancer and another lost a brother. In fact the brother died of breast cancer. Yes, men can contract breast cancer.That's what the Steele County Relay for Life is all about. Leading the fight against this deadly killer.
This years relay is Friday, July 20 running from 6PM-12AM at the Steele County Fairgrounds. This year's goal is to raise $100,000 for not only cancer research but also to assist those who have family battling the affliction. Go to their Facebook page to learn more and to sign up. New this year will be a celebrity dunk tank. If you'd be interested in getting dunked, call Joel at (507)-475-4898. You can also call Joel to order a luminary in honor of a loved one. Luminaries will be sold Saturday, July 14 from 7-12PM in Central Park.
You can also contribute by taking part in the Daikin Dash which begins at 8AM on Saturday, July 21 at the Steele County Fairgrounds.
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