Faribault Set To Welcome In Another New Business, This Time Along 7th Street
If you've driven along 7th Street NW recently, on your way to or from work or the store, you might have noticed that the old Land O' Lakes plant has seen some recent improvements to the parking lot area and fencing going up around the business. Well, that's because the new owners are getting ready for what's moving in. So what is the former plant becoming? A self-service outdoor storage facility.
According to a June Faribault Planning Commission public hearing, the property was granted a conditional use permit for the purpose of constructing a "new outdoor self-storage facility at 1612 7th Street NW."
The hearing documented what will be expected to be erected on the site, which includes a fenced-in area around the storage units, and new lighting and pavement.
A 6’ tall chain link fence with privacy slats are planned for the area between the buildings for 10 exterior self-storage spaces. The fence will have an angled barbed wire deterrent top. The eastern portion of the site will have 60 outdoor self-service storage spaces on pavement. That area will be fenced as well. New lighting will be LED fixtures downcast to reduce glare off site. They are planning security cameras to monitor the site. Hours of operation are between Page 2 of 5 6 AM and 10 PM with card code access to the storage areas. They plan to operate on an appointment basis for new customers, and will not have fulltime staff on site. - Planning Commission Document
The storage facility will be operated by "Energy Technology Unlimited of Minnesota LLC" of Minnesota, which according to the Minnesota Secretary of States website has been in existence since 2011.
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