Celebrating Christmas in Southern MN
This year's Christmas Season has almost come to an end, and it has seemed to be so short. I got to thinking of the different ways my family has celebrated Christmas, and how many traditions have changed. I grew up in Southern MN and remember all of the cousins, aunts, and uncles coming to my grandparents' house to eat treats and exchange gifts. With a larger extended family, it was always noisy, and very joyful.
Now that I am an adult, and my grandparents are no longer with us, I take my children to my parent's house, and it is even more chaotic and noisy. We generally gather on Christmas Eve with the extended family, and all of the grandchildren. There is always way too much food, much laughter, and the next generation learning how we celebrate Christmas in our family. Games, gift exchanges, and several conversations going on around the room. Dirty Bingo is the game of choice in our family for white elephant gifts, and it's a hoot to see my brothers stealing presents, without even knowing what they are.
I have created new traditions for my children, we spend a much more quiet Christmas Day together, with the fur babies, and exchange gifts. Santa shows up, and the morning is spent relaxing with good cup of coffee. We won't say how early that morning begins, just know it's pretty early. Even the fur babies get in on the excitement, they are happy to have their spot back under the tree, at least until New Year's.
We are wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas! May your hearts be full of the Christmas Spirit!