Thursday, July 6, was a very hot and humid day. I don't remember what the high was, but, I know it was at least 90 degrees out. You can definitely tell that we are in the "dog days" of summer. With that comes Ride for the Brand - Americans with Disabilities horse program that the Mowrys have been hosting at Mowry's Lazy Meadows since 2015. This program is set up for those with special needs and Wounded Warriors who want to ride horses.

This year it was decided that we were going to make this event a family event. My older daughter has developmental delay, and this is something that she could really benefit from. So, long story short, my older daughter got to go out and ride a horse, and my younger daughter and I are helping out wherever we can.

Ride for Brand flag/Melissa Hall Townsquare Media

I was pleasantly surprised at the turn-out, I knew as the word was getting out that Ride for the Brand was getting popular, however, I didn't realize I would see so many people out there. And, as hot as it was, everyone had a smile on their faces. In addition to the horses, there was also a wagon ride that anyone could go on, families included, and various other games to keep everyone engaged.

There are helmets provided for the riders, and they have a special saddle to help keep those upright who may not be able to sit unassisted in a saddle. The riders are assisted on and off the horses by volunteers; you can certainly tell that everyone enjoyed the evening.

Ride for the Brand has more information and additional pictures from previous years on their website. I know this is a lot of work, for the Mowrys, as well as the volunteers. Thank you to all who are involved in this wonderful program; my daughter could not stop smiling all evening. 

Ride for Brand horseback 2/Melissa Hall Townsquare Media

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