August 15 is Senior Day at the Steele Co. Fair
Two more weeks and counting. The Steele County Free Fair begins Tuesday, August 13. Thursday, August 15 has been designated as Senior Day at the fair. A number of vendors will be offering specials for seniors on that day. There will be free parking for those age 65 and older from 8am till noon.
Entertainment will begin at 10:30am with the Golden Tones of Owatonna. At 11:30am the Steele County Senior Citizen volunteers of the year will be honored. At 12pm George's Concertina band begins the afternoon fun. The Little Fisherman will perform at 2:45pm in Fair Square Park. The White Sidewalls will wrap things up on Thursday night performing at 8pm.
Luverne Wanous and Hans Hohrman will be performing at the entrances to the Four Seasons Centre each evening of the fair and on Sunday afternoon.
KRFO will be giving away free T Shirts. Download the free KRFO APP and we'll notify you when to stop by for the shirts.
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