A Disturbing Minnesota Report
The Minnesota Housing Partnership in a new report states that Minnesota doesn't have a single county where a full-time minimum wager worker can afford a one-bedroom apartment. The report states that minimum wager worker needs to pay over $3,200 more than they can afford per year to rent a one bedroom apartment.
The partnership's website indicates that median rent for a one bedroom in Steele County in 2000 was $648 and increased to $731 in the year 2015. The rule of thumb is to apply 30% or less of your income to housing. Renters in Steele County who $20,000 a year or less shows 90% of them are paying over 30% for housing. For those making $20,000-34.999 a year, 55% are paying over 30% for housing. The Fair Market rent for a two bedroom apartment in Steele County is $772. What a Median Renter's income can afford for rent for a two bedroom apartment is $651.
The situation in Rice County is a bit better with 76% of those earning $20,000 a year or less paying too much for housing while those earning $20,000 to $34.999 a year shows 62% are paying more than 30% for housing. If one would factor in a recent college grad starting out in the work force coupled with student loans to pay back, this could be a real financial dilemma. .
Just check your local paper and see what's for rent. Not much.
Learn more at the Minnesota Housing Partnership web site.