5 Things To Check Out St. Patrick’s Weekend.
Here's a look at 5 things you might want to take in during the upcoming St. Patrick's weekend. St. Patrick's Day falls on Sunday this year but there's things to do prior to that.
You can start on Thursday, March 14 with the North American Farm and Power Show at the 4 Seasons in Owatonna. Hours will be 9-5 the 14th through Saturday, March 16.Then on Friday, March 15 take in the 100th anniversary of the American Legion in Blooming Prairie. The Servicemen's Club will be the setting with a social hour at 5pm followed by the 6pm meal and then a program at 7pm. To reserve a spot, call them at 507-583-7884. Also Friday evening at the Paradise Center for the Arts Northerly Gales will be performing at 7:30pm. Irish step dancers and Lehto and Wright are also on the docket. At the Steele County History Center Romantica will be in concert with the doors opening at 6:30pm and music at 7:30pm.
The next morning you can swing by the Owatonna Eagles on Saturday, March 16 from 11-1pm. They'll be conducting a silent auction to benefit the We All Play's Inclusive Playground and Miracle League Field. Saturday night Romantica will be in concert at the Steele County History Enter. Doors open at 6:30pm with music starting at 7:30pm. There's plenty to do St. Patrick's weekend.
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