You’ll Never Guess Which Dog Breed is Spoiled the Most in Minnesota
Here in Minnesota, we love our dogs. And many of us love to spoil them, too. But which breed is spoiled the most here in the North Star State?
Here's how they came up Minnesota's most pampered pooch
That's the question the gang over at Yappy.com (a personalized gift shop, and accessories retailer for pet-lovers) set out to answer with this recent survey. According to a release, their survey studied 300 popular breeds and over 450,000 individual dog profiles from their customers. They then looked at the highest average spend per breed and by region, and came up with the overall most pampered dogs in the US according to their breed, name, and where they live.
Regionally speaking, Dobermanns were the most pampered pooches in their survey here in the Midwest, which includes Wisconsin, both Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio along with Minnesota.

Dobermanns aren't the most spoiled breed of dog in Minnesota, though
Things DO look a little different when you delve into the numbers for just Minnesota. And, first, how many dogs would you guess live here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes? Well, according to a formula from Animal Protection Minnesota and data from the U.S. Census, that number comes out to be around 1.5 million canines that make their homes here in the Bold North.
So which breed of those 1.5 million Minnesota pooches is the most pampered? That would be...the Schnoodle. Wait-- you've never heard of a 'Schnoodle' before? Dogtime.com says it's a cross between a Schnauser and a Poodle. And according to the Yappy, it's the most pampered of all the various breeds of dogs here in Minnesota.
Where does your dog rank on the list of pampered pooches?
Over in my home state of Wisconsin, Dobermans are also the most pampered while our neighbors to the south down in Iowa pamper Malteses the most. Seeing as my wife and I share our home with Asher, an Australian Cattle Dog and Juniper, an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix, according to the survey, we apparently need to move to Kansas, where the Border Collie is the most pampered or to any state in New England, where the Australian Shepherd is the most pampered.
Speaking of spoiling dogs, do you give your dogs people food? We've been working really hard on NOT feeding Asher or Juniper any scraps from the table (though they both do seem to really like popcorn.) There are, though, many human foods that not only aren't good for dogs but can also be downright dangerous for dogs to eat. Keep scrolling to take a look!