Why Do People Stop And Use Random Port-A Potties?
This is one of the strangest things I have ever encountered in life. We have a home being built next door, and since March, when the port-a-potty went in we have had a cavalcade of non-construction workers using the facilities.
It doesn't really bug my wife and me, but it's odd, right? One guy literally walks over 5 blocks to use the facility. How do I know? I followed him walking our dog as I was curious why some random stranger uses the portable toilet. I thought maybe this guy was walking and all of a sudden the urge to poop or pee struck, totally random right? No, it isn't we see 'regulars' stop by all week, at pretty much predetermined times.
Is this weird? Is this just some small-town thing? Personally, I'd rather do what I've got to do inside my own 4 walls, and not walls made of plastic with no flushing mechanism.
When the portable toilet was dropped off, I shrugged and was like eh, but now it's become a daily show of regulars. I didn't notice until my wife, who works from home, said something to me about it. She remarked that the port-a-potty has seen a lot of traffic today. And I just shrugged and said well construction workers gotta go right? Her response blew me away. She simply said, "look at the lot." I did, and there was no equipment, no trailers, nothing.
So now we've nicknamed those who stop by, mainly now in the morning hours between 7-9am and afternoons 4-7pm. It's a real-life reality show, which we'd never have noticed if we didn't have new neighbors moving in next door.
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