Too Hot for Ya? Minnesota’s Ten Favorite Things About Winter
With highs in the 90s again this week, many Minnesotans are ready for the cooler days of fall (and even the cold of winter). Many of us are just not wired for day after day of ninety degree heat.
Winter gets a bad rap. Sure it's a bit too long, but getting out and enjoying all it has to offer is the key to surviving (and even thriving).
Now much of this is hard to remember when you're scraping your windshield or just slipped on the ice heading out the door, but winter in Minnesota us a state of mind. The more you find ways to get out and enjoy it -- the happier you will be.
The Danish use the word Hygge to describe the feeling that comes from embracing winter and he cozy comfort that comes from getting outside, then enjoying the warmth and comfort indoors. According to Wikipedia:
Hygge is a Danish and Norwegian word for a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment.
Let's take a little break from the July heat to reflect on the winter ahead.
Minnesota's 10 Favorite Things About Weather
Honorable mention: Hockey, and your beer doesn't get warm when you're outside.
I'm not a winter hater, although it's about a month too long. Take a month off winter and tack it onto summer and Minnesota's climate would be just about perfect. I love the variety of Minnesota's seasons, and I'm certainly not wishing summer away -- but this one has been exceptionally hot and dry. Stay cool!
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