Talk of The Town: Lois Nelson
Medford Mayor Lois Nelson was in for Talk of the Town on AM1390. She discussed a number of items.
- Inviting all Steele County veterans to have their name added to the Veterans Memorial that will be located in Medford on the corner of County Road 12 E and Third St. N.E. For more information, stop by the city hall or the visit the website: medfordminnesota.com.
- Straight River Days will be June 19-21. The Grand Marshals in the parade Friday night will be Orville Young and Virginia Timm. Also an All-School Reunion will be on Saturday. All activities are listed and updated on the website: straightriverdays.com.
- Andy Welti was hired as the city's full-time city administrator.
Nelson talked about road construction that was discussed with Steele County Engineer Anita Benson.
- Issues of finishing County Road 12 West Central.
- Updating County Road 12 heading west, past Lazy U, scheduled for 2017-18.
- Updating Main Street/County Road 45 tentatively set for 2018-20.
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