Whether you want to mulch up a full blown garden, or just have some flowers in the front of your house, these particular types last the best for our climate in Minnesota.
My wife certainly enjoys her flowers. It seems each year she comes up with a new idea. So, let's take a look at what she's done this year. She does a good job in using old things to make things prettier. I suppose someday I'll be staked to a post in the yard surrounding by petunias...
The following tidbits come from a Household Guide put out in 1951. I googled a few of the stranger ones and to some degree a lot of these old tips still make sense.
Here we go. When planting carrots, mix the seed with radish seed. Now this makes sense because radishes will be up and harvested in a month or so...
Growing tomatoes is pretty easy. But apparently to get bigger, better and more tomatoes, you need to have a happy plant. According to Master Gardener Mary Jane Smetanka, these are the keys:
1. Tomatoes need room. Patio varieties will do well in a pot...
The Waseca Garden Club hosts a Garden Walk this Sunday rain or shine from 1-5PM. All locations are free and open to the public.
Representatives of the event are scheduled to join us on today's KDHL AM Minnesota program beginning at 9:30AM...
The Steele County 4-H and Master Gardeners once again are offering the One Step Garden for young people to learn about vegetables and gardening. The garden is near the east entrance of the Owatonna Hy-Vee.
Youngsters meet each Thursday now through August 4 from 10-11:30AM...
My wife and now my daughter have developed an interest in flowers. I still stick to veggies. Any old thing no longer serving its purpose is in danger of getting a hole punched in its bottom and then filled with flowers. Hence, I always try to appear active useful when my wife is nearby...