Imagine my surprise and delight when I saw that there are going to be gardening camps at the Owatonna Hy-Vee this summer, especially since I have such a bad history with killing plants that are supposed to be indestructible. I have not yet met a plant that I can keep alive, so this would be an ideal class for me.

Unfortunately, after reading the fine print, I am not in the target age range for this camp. The camp is open to children from grades 3 to 6, and even though there are days when I feel much younger,  6th grade for me was a good 30 years ago.

There are 3 different weeks of camp coming up, each session is only $25 and includes a t-shirt:

  • Camp 1: Planting Power Camp from June 5-7
  • Camp 2: Garden Wonders Camp from July 17-19
  • Camp 3: Harvest Hands Camp from August 28-30

You can sign up for the camps through Owatonna Community Education, with the deadline for the first camp being May 29th.

I am so bummed, there should be a camp for those of us, who are beyond school age, who cannot grow a plant to save our lives. I can pass for a little bit younger than my age, but, there is no way I can pass as a 12-year-old.  If there ever is an adult class, I will certainly be signing up. It could be called "Black Thumbs Gardening; How NOT to Kill Your Plants."

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