I was born and raised on the north side of Minneapolis. My first radio job was at a Mom and Pop radio station in Aitkin, Minn., where I had duties as the night DJ/janitor and went on to become Program/Sports Director for an AM/FM Combo. I took a break from radio work from 1993 to 2006. I then came here in December 2006 and moved up to afternoons in 2007. I later did early mornings from 2008-2013. I have hosted the morning news hours and done the midday show since then. I am a big Twins and Vikings fan. Basketball and football are my favorite sports to do play by play. I like fishing, especially ice fishing, and I spend a lot of time in playing the part of a 1840s buck skinner at various Rendezvous around the state. I enjoy talking to people about our stations so feel free to share comments.