Some Minnesota Legislators Want Mask Requirement a Law
Here we go, this one is going to get some backlash. We all know about the mask mandate in Minnesota. And actually, most other states as well. There are a handful of states that don't have a mandate, they just have a "suggestion".
There are some people who would like to have Governor Walz' emergency powers taken away deeming them as "unconstitutional". So far, that hasn't happened.
What exactly is this bill proposing? It's basically everything that is already in place as a mandate, but it would make it permanent and would carry a penalty if it is violated. It would mean that it would turn into a misdemeanor if it wasn't carried through. Violators would then face the normal penalties of any other misdemeanor violation. That isn't sitting well with several people. And right now, there is no companion bill in the US senate.
The bill would require all Minnesotans over the age five to wear a face covering when they are:
1. indoors at a business or public setting
2. waiting outdoors to enter and indoor business or indoor public setting;
IF this becomes a law, businesses would also be in violation if they weren't requiring their customers to adhere to the mask mandate. The penalty seems stiffer for the business owner than it does for individuals. The penalty for business owners would be a possible fine of $25,000 and up to 90 days in jail. An individual over 14 violating the would-be law would face petty misdemeanor charges and a fine of $100.
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