Rice County Highway Department Announces Spring Load Restrictions
The Rice County Highway Department announced spring load restrictions on State Aid Highways and County roadways go into effect soon. Friday, March 15, 2019 at 12:01 a.m. The Minnesota Department of Transporation has issued a notice that Spring Load Restrictions on the state highway system in the south, southeast and metro frost zones go in effect Friday, March 15, 2019.
The Spring Load Restriction map is posted on the Highway Department page of the Rice County website located at http://www.co.rice.mn.us/DocumentCenter/View/1351/2019-Spring-Load-Restrictions-PDF
Another sure sign of spring is when the Rice County Highway Department and the Minnesota Department of Transportation imposes these restrictions. The departments monitor road conditions to determine when the restrictions are lifted.
According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation."Overweight permits for more than 80,000 pound gross vehicle weight will continue and new permits will be issued if all axle and group weights are legal.
Full-summer overweight permits can be issued during the spring load restriction period when engaging in interstate through movement travel only (no starting or stopping off the interstate system).
MIddle-range overweight restrictions become available within each frost zone when spring load restrictions are lifted. Ending dates for spring load restrictions are variable and based on how weather is affecting roadway strength."
According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation they will report the start and end dates on their 24-hour automated message center at 1-800-723-6543 for U.S. and Canada, and locally at 651-366-5400 for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
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