Proposal Would Double Size of Owatonna Area Feedlot
St Paul - The owners of a hog feedlot in Steele County want to double the size of the operation and the public is being invited to weigh in with any opinions.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency says Kevin and Cory Klemmensen propose to expand their existing hog finishing feedlot by adding a second total confinement barn. This would increase the number of hogs from 2,400 to 4,800.
The feedlot is located about eight miles southwest of Owatonna.
The PCA says the expanded operation would produce an estimated total of more than 1.7 million gallons of liquid manure annually. It would eventually be injected into cropland as fertilizer. The PCA has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet on the proposal.
The public may submit written comments on worksheet through 4:30 p.m. June 27.
The worksheet for this project is available on the MPCA’s EAW webpage. It’s also available by calling Steve Sommer at 651-757-2746. Written comments may be sent by email to steve.sommer@state.mn.us, or mailed to him at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN 55155-4194.