Properly Disposing of Christmas Trees and Greenery
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is asking all Minnesotan's to properly dispose of Christmas Trees and greenery after the holidays. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture inspects holiday products for diseases and insects that may hitchhike on trees and greenery brought into Minnesota for the holidays. The biggest concern this year is the elongate hemlock scale which has become an issue for Frasier fir in the Mid-Atlantic states.
"If you know your Christmas Tree and greenery are not from Minnesota or are unsure where it originated, do your part after the holiday season is over to protect our environment from a variety of pests and diseases." The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has the following advice:
Do not toss trees and greenery into backyard woods or your compost pile.
Use a city or county organized tree and greenery pickup or drop-off.
If your city or county does not have an organized pick-up or drop-off, burn the greens. Always check with local ordinances first and follow them.
If you suspect your tree or greenery may be infested with an invasive insect or disease, call the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Arrest the Pest Line at 1-888-545-6684.