National Weather Service: Chance For La Niña Winter Now Stronger
If you don't like winter weather, brace yourself. The National Weather Service says the chance for a La Niña winter is now even stronger.
The National Weather Service updated their predictions for the 2020 - 2021 winter season, now stating that there is an 85 percent chance of a La Niña winter. That's not all: they are also predicting that the La Niña winter event will continue into spring of 2021, with a 60 percent chance conditions continue into April.
So what does a La Niña winter event mean for the Northland? According to NOAA, it means colder-than-average winter temperatures. It also means the likelihood is there for above-average snowfall.
Back in September, the National Weather Service reported that a La Niña winter was likely. At that time, NWS stated their was a 75% chance for the event to occur. Now, it appears the possibility of a La Niña winter is gaining major traction. It should also be noted that at this time, they were not predicting the event to continue into spring.
It has certainly been a strange year in terms of weather in the Northland. For example, summer was a warm one. It was so warm in fact that it will go down in the history books as the second warmest summer on record, coming in at number two just under the summer of 2012.
Another example of how weird the weather has been in 2020 is the fact that we broke a daily record high on Friday, October 9th. The record high for that day is 76 degrees and we hit 80 in the Duluth area. Now, we start preparing for winter!

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