Minnesota Is One of the Nation’s Worst Tippers
The good news? We're still tipping as much despite inflation. The bad news is that is nothing to be proud of, at least here in Minnesota.
Show Me The Tipping Numbers!
Information from Toast notes people are mostly tipping at the 19-20% rate at sit-down restaurants. For quick service restaurants, it's, tips come out to be around 17%. That same report gave us the best and worst tipping states, and Minnesota did not end up in the Top 5, Top 10, or even Top 20!
Minnesota Is the 39th Best Tipping State!
So, 11 states are worse than Minnesota? Wow, that sure does seem low. But here's where I think it's kind of a B as in B and S as in S report. The #1 tipping state, Indiana, tips at 21%. Wisconsin is #8, with an average tip of 20.3%. Iowa is #21, with the average tip at 19.7%.
Judging from this info, Minnesota must be down near 10% average tip. Nope. Minnesota's average tip is 19%. That's a practically 20% tip! How on earth is that considered bad?
At the bottom, dead last on the list, is California, average tip...17.8%.
Yeah, Minnesota may rank low, but the truth is in the numbers, and almost always tipping close to 20% does NOT make us bad!

Speaking of tips, the Minnesota State Fair is coming and if you are going to go, you'll need these tips!
Tips for newbies that are going to the Minnesota State Fair
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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