Minnesota Gospel Opry Concert Friday in Bloomington
People in this area probably remember The Lundstroms for entertaining and delivering Gospel messages at events throughout the region. Lowell Lundstrom Ministries was started in 1961 and for decades their 8 member team traveled in two buses over 300 days a year. Lowell passed away in 2012 at the age of 72 from Parkinson's Disease.
His brother Leon and Leon's daughter Larissa are joining Tommy Brandt during a Minnesota Gospel Opry event tomorrow night in Bloomington. Concert begins 7:00 p.m. Doors will open 6:30 p.m. at the Oak Grove Middle School Auditorium, 1300 West 106th Street, Bloomington, Mn. 55431.
You can order your tickets at https://www.itickets.com/events/412491. Tickets are $15/$20 in advance, +$5 at the door. Phone 1-800-965-9324. For more information phone 952-292-3126 or go to www.minnesotagospelopry.com.
In addition to Brandt and the Lundstroms, the Minnesota Gospel Opry Band and Singers will be performing.
Leon and possibly Larissa will be visiting with us on tomorrow's KDHL AM Minnesota program at 9:30 a.m.
My Dad loved the Lundstroms who stayed at the Shady Rest Motel in Spring Valley a few times. My parents owned the motel and I recall Lowell and my Dad having very interesting conversations about the Bible.
I hope you can tune for the program. If not the audio will be posted here before the end of the day Friday.
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