A Southern Minnesota Pizzeria is offering up an Elvis inspired pizza during the month of January. Pizzeria 201, located in the 'Kolacky Capital of the World' Montgomery, is offering up a peanut butter and banana topped pizza for those looking to honor 'The King's' January birthday. Check it out.

The post from Pizzeria 201 on Facebook goes a little deeper into what you'll get on your pie. You'll have a pizza that features "peanut butter, banana & real maple syrup . . . topped w/ either bacon or chocolate (Elvis liked his peanut butter & banana w/ bacon)."


Elvis of course made the sandwich of peanut butter, banana, and bacon famous in 1976. According to Southern Living "As the story goes, after a 1976 concert, Elvis and his police bodyguards ventured to the now-closed Colorado Mine Company restaurant for a bite to eat. There, he ordered a Fool’s Gold Loaf—a sandwich made with a loaf of sourdough bread, a pound of bacon, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly." After that, they say the rest is history.

Looking at the picture in the post, it looks interesting, as it appears that the sauce is melted peanut butter. If the pizza dough is done like traditional pizza dough we might have a winner!

The pizza will only be offered for the next two weeks, so you'll have to hurry up and give it a try before it's gone. It might just leave you "all shook up."

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