Lisa’s Logic: Today is Popcorn Day
Today and well, any day and anytime, bring on the pop, pop sounds that brings on a yummy treat ... popcorn. Enjoy.
Today is Popcorn Day and tomorrow is National Disc Jockey Day, which goes all the way back to 1958.
Even better is Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day. That is followed by National Hugging Day on the 21st and the 22nd is Answer Your Cat's Questions. What questions would they have? Would they believe us?
Celebration of Life is also on the 22nd, but really that should be everyday.
Hooray for National Pie Day on the 23rd. Peach and cherry would be my favorite. How about you?
By the way, this is No Name Calling Week.
Next week is Clean Out Your Inbox. Wow, that is a lot of stuff if a whole week is needed to do that.
That goes along with January as:
- Clean Out Your Computer Month
- National Mail-Ordering Gardening Month (computer related)
Some fun in January with Ice Skating Month, along with National Soup and National Oatmeal Month.
The sun is shining above ... Think Happy Thoughts.
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