Halloween is back in 2021! Kids will be trick or treating again and no one is happier about that than the companies that make and sell all the candy that will be handed out, traded, and consumed. Candy sales dipped last year due to the ongoing pandemic, but this year, sales are expected to be up over 25%. So what candy will be flying off the shelves the fastest? Leave to online candy retailer CandyStore.com to break it all down!

First of all, the results prove that some candies do better in some parts of the country than others. And candy that you might hate, will be loved by others. But generally, most Americans can agree on the top three most popular brands of Halloween Candy. They are;

  1. Reese's Cups
  2. Skittles
  3. M&M's
  4. Starburst
  5. Hot Tamales

Number five is a bit of a surprise. I personally never eat the Hot Tamales. Give me chocolate and peanut butter all day long. Yes, I'm a Reese's freak. While consumer confidence is still a bit low this year due to the pandemic, the National Retail Federations predicts that we'll spend over $2.7 billion on Halloween candy. That's billion with a B. So what candies are the hottest sellers in Iowa? CandyStore.com reveals Iowa's top three Halloween candies.

  1. M&M's
  2. Reese's Cups
  3. Candy Corn

Of course, the number one corn-producing state in the nation would also love the candy variety too. Personally, I can't stand the stuff. You might as well stuff a wax candle in your mouth. But the other two? No issues with those at all. So get ready to buy lots of candy this year. Hand it out to the kids on Halloween, or hide it for yourself. No judgement from this candy fan.


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