Froggy Bottoms in Northfield Hosts a Bennett-fit This Saturday
Wake up weekday mornings and have some fun listening for the Hit of the Day at 8:05AM and maybe win a $10 gift certificate to Froggy Bottoms River Pub in historic downtown Northfield. Make sure to write down the artist and song title of each Hit of the Day, then on Friday morning if you're the first person through on the studio lines with all five correct, you'll score that gift certificate to Froggy Bottoms.
My friend, Laurie, the owner of Froggy Bottoms River Pub, recently welcomed her grandson, Bennett, to her family. Unfortunately he decided to come two months early and medical expenses that have built up since then have been overwhelming for her daughter, Amber. To help them get through these trying times, Froggy Bottoms and the Lily Patio is hosting a Bennett-fit to raise money to help cover their medical bills.
There will be a 50/50 Raffle, a Silent Auction and Rail Drink, Domestic and Craft Beer Bash between 6-8PM. The winning bids from the silent auction will be announced after 8PM with DJ entertainment at 9PM. Have a fun night and help out a young family in need and maybe walk away with a good deal from the silent auction and a good feeling this Saturday night at Froggy Bottoms River Pub in Northfield.
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