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Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News)- Law enforcement agencies in southeast Minnesota and across the state are planning to beef up traffic patrols for the holiday weekend and beyond.

Southeast Minnesota Towards Zero Deaths says agencies in the area will partake in a boarder-to-boarder speed patrol saturation along Hwy. 14 and Hwy. 19 on Friday. Authorities say speed has been a major factor in the recent increase in traffic fatalities on Minnesota roads.

Earlier this week, the State Patrol conducted a Highway Enforcement for Aggressive Traffic (HEAT) patrols in southeast Minnesota. Sgt. Troy Christianson reported troopers stopped 46 vehicles. 42 of the stops were for speeding.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety will kick-off a statewide extra speed enforcement on Friday. Officials say police officers, sheriff's deputies and state troopers will participate in a month-long speed enforcement and awareness campaign.

Historic Rochester Home With Underground Caves For Sale For The First Time in 34 Years

The Plummer Pump House in Rochester Minnesota was just listed to the public for the first time in 34-years. The listing price is $550,000. This house is located right by the Plummer house and water tower. Keep scrolling to see inside and underground!


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