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It looks like something you might see in an action movie but it happened in real life, last weekend, right here in Minnesota.

According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS), deaths on Minnesota roads are the highest here in 2021 they've been in nearly a decade. In fact, DPS says that 454 Minnesotans have already lost their lives on roads and highways here in the North Star State so far this year.

That's a sobering number, one that's almost tough to wrap your head around, isn't it? It is until you see a video like THIS one, that is.

This video, which contains footage from various Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) traffic cameras, was taken Sunday, November 28th, 2021 near Bryant Lake Drive and Interstate 494 in Eden Prairie (in the Twin Cities southwest metro, about an hour and a half northwest of Rochester.)

It shows a car fleeing police and apparently after driving over stop sticks that police had deployed, finally losing several deflated tires before it comes to a stop. You first see the car lose a deflated tire at :09 and again at 1:11 into the MN Safety YouTube channel video. MN Safety says it is NOT an official law enforcement agency but is a group of 'volunteers promoting traffic safety and first responders.'

I haven't been able to find any additional information about when the chase started, or if anyone was taken into custody after the chase finally ended. Fortunately, it appears that, despite the driver's reckless behavior, no one was injured (outside of a few police vehicles and one street sign that was damaged) during the chase. But it sure looks like something you'd see in a TV show or movie, doesn't it?

And speaking of action movies, keep scrolling after the video to check out some of the best action movies posters EVER!

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The Best Action Movie Posters in History

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