Crop Management Seminar Wednesday In Dundas
Everyone is invited to the Free Crop Management Seminar Wednesday at Ruth's on Stafford in Dundas. After being canceled last year this program is back with a different name. In the past this was called Rice and Steele County Crops Day and there was Dakota County Crops Day in Farmington later in March. This year Extension Educator Claire LaCanne from Rice and Steele County and Dave Nicolai form the Farmington Regional Extension office teamed up to organize this years Crop Management Seminar. The address for Ruth's on Stafford is 410 Stafford Lane S. Dundas, MN 55019 which is right off of State Highway 3.
Check-in and refreshments is from 9:30 to 10:00 am and the program wraps up at 2:00 pm. The program is sponsored by the University of Minnesota Extension Service, KDHL in Faribault and KRFO in Owatonna, Dakota Rice Corn and Soybean Growers, Dakota Electric, and the Craig Keller Insurance Agency in Nerstrand. RSVP's are nice but not required by calling Claire LaCanne at 507-330-0447 or email: lacanne@umn.edu. Special thanks to our sponsors along with Claire and Dave for lining up the topics and speakers! The topics may be a bit specific for Rice, Steele and Dakota Counties, but you can see from the agenda most topics will be timely for all crop farmers!
9:30 am - Check-in and refreshment
10:00 am - Disease management: corn tar spot and other diseases Dave Nicolai, UMN Extension Educator
10:45 am - Insect management: soybean gall midge and corn rootworm Bruce Potter, UMN Entomologist
11:30 am - Weed management: what works and what doesn't Ryan Miller, UMN Extension Educator
12:15 pm - LUNCH
12:45 pm - Nutrient management considerations: fertilizer costs and supply chain issues Jeff Vetsch, UMN Soil Scientist
1:30 pm Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) updates Ashley Gallagher, Dakota Co. SWCD
2:00 pm Program concludes
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