Will Southern Minnesota See A Big Snow Event This Week?
The early warning signs of a weather 'event' for the end of this week are already starting to go up on social media. But the one thing you should know is that it's really too early in the week to tell what is coming in terms of potential weather for the weekend. Some models are forecasting a 'wintery' mix, meaning rain and snow, others are looking at just rain, but if for some reason we see only snow, it could be a doozy!
The National Weather Service in the Twin Cities commented on the potential event this morning, but they stressed in the post that it's still too early to know what we will see here in Minnesota, specifically Southern Minnesota.
"Today will be the quietest and warmest day of the week and will be followed by a series of disturbances that will bring periodic chances for precipitation.
We are keeping our eye on a potentially potent system towards the end of the week into the weekend. Any confidence on amounts, timing, and other details is still low at this time. The second image depicting the Winter Weather Outlook can be found at this link (Day 6 tab): https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wwd/pwpf_d47/pwpf_medr.php"
So the answer to our question of whether or not Southern Minnesota could see a big snow event is really more of a hang-on a minute and let's wait until we know more kind of answer from the National Weather Service in the Twin Cities.
In terms of what other weather services are saying about the possible 'event' later this week. The Weather Channel is predicting snow and ice Friday night, then over the top of the ice fresh snow, 1-3" to fall on Saturday. Once again, it's pretty early to know, but I've found that The Weather Channel seems to produce more accurate longer-term forecasts than what the National Weather Service puts out early in the week.
Friday's possible weather isn't great news for folks who plan on attending the American Truckers Freedom Convoy, if there is snow and ice, it won't be easy going for those driving or for those wanting to show their support along the way.