Cow-A-Bunga! Check Out This Udder-ly Amazing Parade Entry At Dennison Days!
The Dennison Days celebration concluded on Sunday, after what was a pretty fun weekend for residents and visitors alike. Not only was there live music and activities for folks to enjoy, but there was also a fun surprise for those who were at the parade on Saturday morning. Minnie the dairy cow got to stroll through town, in the parade!
Check out this video that Matt Braun posted on Twitter of Minnie strolling through the parade, and our very own Gordy Kosfeld announcing her!
The tweet pretty much sums up what makes Dennison so unique:
"This weekend the little town I'm near had their town festival, the neighbor dairy farmer did a cow milking contest and they walked the cow in the parade only [in] small-town America that would happen..." - Matt Braun
Minnie was put to use in a milking contest that KDHL Farm Director Jerry Groskreutz participated in, he didn't fare great in the contest, but we believe it was due to Minnie being a Jersey rather than a Holstein cow, at least that's what Jerry was telling us.
The weekend had live music on both Friday and Saturday night, there was a waffle breakfast that happened on Sunday, and memories that were made in the 100s by friends, family, and neighbors who all got to come together after there was no celebration last year due to COVID-19.
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